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Aug 31, 2022

Is your marketing invisible to your customer? 

Are you taking marketing for granted when inventory is low and demand is high?

What happens when things balance out but you are disconnected from your marketing strategy?

in this episode, these four powerhouse marketers share their thoughts on this topic and preview their...

Aug 24, 2022

Culture is a buzzword that gets thrown around in business all of the time. 

A company has a great culture! A company has a poor culture! 

The key is how to build a positive culture in your business that lasts. 

In this episode, Liza Borches, President/ CEO of the Carter Myers Automotive Group shares how they have...

Aug 17, 2022

What is it like, stepping outside of your comfort zone? What is it like to have your business step out to create a new business venture and others ask, "What are they doing?" 

Change can be hard, especially stepping into an area where there may not be a lot of competition. 

Glenn Pasch speaks this week with Paul Daly...

Aug 10, 2022

Have you ever been wowed by a fantastic marketing? And then were blown away by how they delivered fantastic customer experience?  

Too often businesses focus on one or the other and never seem to connect them. I share an experience my son and I had on our recent tour of colleges. How one college stood out in delivering...

Aug 4, 2022

Process or Execution of Process. Which is the thing that drives you crazy as a leader? 

Easy to point fingers because you as the leader are frustrated.

A lot of talk about the need for process in order to build a great culture.

But many don't know how to even begin yet they blame their teams.

What do you as leader have...